Where to Start

Life development and empowerment expert, Dr. Anthony Rhodman designed a strategic training program for the  journey and game of life for anyone looking for the secrets, the hidden wisdoms, and the mysteries of life at any level. His online learning opportunities are divided into foundational tiers in order to develop a strong foundation for the development and empowering process. Each of these tiers offers tips and strategies to remove all the barriers and blockages from your best life to help you function back to the way you were designed to function and take back control of your life. Browse each tier to see what's included and find where you would like to start.

There are also opportunities to work with Dr. Rhodman virtually where he can strategically create a program and structure for you to go through the journey with his specialty services.

Dr. Anthony Rhodman has designed three levels of development for the journey. The highest level is Be All Knowing Academy, the second level is Anew Life, and the foundation level is Mental Stability, which you will see in the tiers below to help you start the journey and fix any malfunctions that have blocked you from moving forward and upward on your journey. Start your journey now to live the way you always dreamed and desired to live. 

Specialty Trainings

Personalized techniques and training sessions for consistent clients to help you master your soul and vision, mind and thoughts, heart and words, and body and actions

  • Visionary & Imagination Expert

    This specialty training focuses on mastering your soul and visions through envisioning and visualization techniques.

  • Mental Alchemist & Mind Expert

    This specialty training focuses on mental programming and development as well as meditation techniques.

  • Oracle & Prophetic Teacher

    This specialty training focuses on getting back control of your inner voice and speaking techniques.

  • Peak Performance Expert

    This specialty training focuses on unlocking your divine abilities in productivity and production

  • Heavenly Financial Expert

    This specialty training focuses on financial concepts and financial explanations from a different perspective.

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Meet Your Virtual Mental Health Expert

Dr. Anthony Rhodman

Dr. Anthony Rhodman is a mental health expert, mental performance expert, executive psychotherapist, and life and spiritual advisor who specializes in mental health, performance and behaviors, leadership and culture, economics and finance, success and business, family and management, and life and spirituality. Dr. Rhodman is the expert on the secrets to perfect and predictable success, and he applies these secrets in many different trades and industries to help people remove the misconceptions about their true capabilities. Dr. Rhodman reminds everyone what they already know — that all success in life is predicated by people’s inward programming and thoughts of themselves through their psychological make-up and their belief systems that determine how they answer the most important questions of life.