Mental Fulfillment
This program is included inside of Tier 9: Mental Fulfillment
Welcome to Tier 9: Mental Fulfillment!
Important Note
The Nature, Character, Attributes, & Aptitudes of God
Who Am I? (God's Perspective Towards Us)
Where Am I From? (Explanation)
Where Am I From? (Implementation)
Where Am I From? (Pt. 2)
Why Am I Here?
Why Am I Here? (Pt. 2)
What Can I Do?
What Can I Do? (Pt. 2)
Where Am I Going?
Where Am I Going? (Pt. 2)
Introduction to Leadership
The Types of Leaders
The Process of Leadership
The Process of Leadership (Pt. 2)
The Process of Leadership & Process of Impartation & Manifestation
What Is Culture?
The Different Cultures that Leaders Are Supposed to Create
The Learning Styles: How Do People Receive Information
The Learning Styles (Pt. 2): The Process
How to Prepare Others for the Tests of Life
Introduction to Heavenly Financial Literacy
Economics of Service
Economics of Work
The Purpose of Finance
Types of Investing In Finance
The 8 Sectors of Wealth & Abundance
The Types of Resources & Currencies (To Exchange & Invest)
The 12 Streams of Service Income (Within Micro-Economy)
The 12 Types of Services (Within Every Stream of Service Income)
The 12 Streams of Income of Work (Within a Micro-Economy)
The 12 Types of Work (Within Every Stream of Work Income)
Preparation Process for Service & Work
Preparation Process to Receive from Service & Work
Become Invaluable in Service
Become Invaluable in Work
The Universal Law of Management
The Universal Law of Organization
The Quadrants of Income & Rate of Return (The Times of Return on Investments)
The 12 Rivers of Income from Service Cultivation
The 12 Rivers of Income from Work Cultivation
The 6 Kingdoms (Systems) Above
The 6 Kingdoms (Systems) Below
The Measure of Investing (In Covenant)
Your Virtual Mental Peak Performance Expert
$1 / month
This tier is a company and team training to help you build and develop your team to be on one accord. Join Dr. Anthony Rhodman as he explains how each member of your team can become a star in their role for the success of everyone involved.
$1 / month
The Mental Edge gives strategies and methods to get the mental edge on your previous self and receive in-depth guidance on how to get in the zone and stay in the zone consistently so you never have to leave.
$450 / month