
Mental Fulfillment was designed for individuals who have accomplished everything that they have wanted to accomplish in life and have reached the pinnacle of success but still feel unfulfilled. This experience is for those who feel empty and want to find more purpose in their lives to understand what this life is about. Dr. Anthony Rhodman, your virtual life and spiritual advisor, will explain the answers to life's most difficult questions, including life after death (if you have to die), what you can do now that you've reached your pinnacle, and what else there is in life so that you can get true mental fulfillment on this journey of your life.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Tier 9: Mental Fulfillment!

    2. Important Note

    1. The Nature, Character, Attributes, & Aptitudes of God

    2. Who Am I? (God's Perspective Towards Us)

    3. Where Am I From? (Explanation)

    4. Where Am I From? (Implementation)

    5. Where Am I From? (Pt. 2)

    6. Why Am I Here?

    7. Why Am I Here? (Pt. 2)

    8. What Can I Do?

    9. What Can I Do? (Pt. 2)

    10. Where Am I Going?

    11. Where Am I Going? (Pt. 2)

    1. Introduction to Leadership

    2. The Types of Leaders

    3. The Process of Leadership

    4. The Process of Leadership (Pt. 2)

    5. The Process of Leadership & Process of Impartation & Manifestation

    6. What Is Culture?

    7. The Different Cultures that Leaders Are Supposed to Create

    8. The Learning Styles: How Do People Receive Information

    9. The Learning Styles (Pt. 2): The Process

    10. How to Prepare Others for the Tests of Life

    1. Introduction to Heavenly Financial Literacy

    2. Economics of Service

    3. Economics of Work

    4. The Purpose of Finance

    5. Types of Investing In Finance

    6. The 8 Sectors of Wealth & Abundance

    7. The Types of Resources & Currencies (To Exchange & Invest)

    8. The 12 Streams of Service Income (Within Micro-Economy)

    9. The 12 Types of Services (Within Every Stream of Service Income)

    10. The 12 Streams of Income of Work (Within a Micro-Economy)

    11. The 12 Types of Work (Within Every Stream of Work Income)

    12. Preparation Process for Service & Work

    13. Preparation Process to Receive from Service & Work

    14. Become Invaluable in Service

    15. Become Invaluable in Work

    16. The Universal Law of Management

    17. The Universal Law of Organization

    18. The Quadrants of Income & Rate of Return (The Times of Return on Investments)

    19. The 12 Rivers of Income from Service Cultivation

    20. The 12 Rivers of Income from Work Cultivation

    21. The 6 Kingdoms (Systems) Above

    22. The 6 Kingdoms (Systems) Below

    23. The Measure of Investing (In Covenant)

About this course

  • $200,000.00 / week

Meet Dr. Anthony Rhodman

Your Virtual Mental Peak Performance Expert

Dr. Anthony Rhodman is a life psychologist who specializes in performance and behaviors, leadership and culture, economics and finance, success and business, family and management, and life and spirituality. Dr. Rhodman is the expert on the secrets to perfect and predictable success, and he applies these secrets in many different trades and industries to help people remove the misconceptions about their true capabilities. Dr. Rhodman reminds everyone what they already know — that all success in life is predicated by people’s inward programming and thoughts of themselves through their psychological make-up and their belief systems that determine how they answer the most important questions of life.