About this course

This is a financial program designed to help you learn and understand finances and economics from a creator perspective, not a participant's perspective. This course can change your life and remove the misconceptions we have been taught about this uncomfortable topic. Learn how intangible currency can create tangible currency and how to get out of debt forever. This topic goes beyond money, which is what many people think finance is all about. Learn what is truly valuable in life including time, gifts, talents, power over circumstances, visions, and much more.

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Revamp Your Mindset About Economics

    3. The Psychological Effects of Economics

    4. Preparing Your Minds To Manifest & Produce

    5. How To Capture & Receive Income

    6. Relearning Finance

    7. The Types of Currencies of Exchange & Investment

    1. Understanding Wealth

About this course

  • $10,000.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Anthony Rhodman is a life psychologist who specializes in performance and behaviors, leadership and culture, economics and finance, success and business, family and management, and life and spirituality. Dr. Rhodman is the expert on the secrets to perfect and predictable success, and he applies these secrets in many different trades and industries to help people remove the misconceptions about their true capabilities. Dr. Rhodman reminds everyone what they already know — that all success in life is predicated by people’s inward programming and thoughts of themselves through their psychological make-up and their belief systems that determine how they answer the most important questions of life.

Get started today!


  • Is this a physical product or digital product?

    This is a digital product. No physical product will be sent to you. After you sign up or subscribe, you will gain access to the system right away!

  • Include questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    When does this course start and finish?

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you have a subscription - across any and all devices you own.

  • What can I do after I complete the course?

    Dr. Rhodman has many other online courses, books, and personal coaching available! Check out our website, www.DrAnthonyRhodman.com for more information.