
The Mental Edge gives strategies and methods for understanding mental health from the perspective of your performance and behaviors, leadership and culture, money and exchange, success and business, family and relationships, and life and spirituality. The Mental Edge is designed for those who would like to start implementing these strategies in their life. It will also give more in-depth guidance on how to get in the zone and stay in the zone consistently so you never have to leave.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    1. Mental Health & Wellness: The Minds We Have

    2. Mental Health & Wellness: The Ways of Learning, Learning Styles, & Malfunctions

    3. Mental Health & Wellness: Mental Vitamins & Supplements

    4. Mental Health & Wellness: Workshop

    5. Performance & Behaviors: Introduction

    6. Performance & Behaviors: Developing Your Archetype Avatar

    7. Performance & Behaviors: Developing the Eyes You See Through

    8. Performance & Behaviors: Strategies to Improve Your Performance & Behaviors in a Cycle

    9. Leadership & Culture: The Multiplying Effect

    10. Leadership & Culture: The Leadership Factor

    11. Leadership & Culture: The Culture Effect

    12. Leadership & Culture: Workshop

    13. Money & Exchanging: Introduction

    14. Money & Exchanging: Value & Worth

    15. Money & Exchanging: Relationship With Money

    16. Money & Exchanging: The Rules of Money

    17. Success & Organization: Introduction

    18. Success & Organization: The Types of Mental Success

    19. Success & Organization: Organizing Your Minds for Success

    20. Success & Organization Workshop

    21. Family & Relationships: Understanding Family & Relationships

    22. Family & Relationships: What Is Family?

    23. Family & Relationships: Workshop

    24. Life & Spirituality: The Power of Choice

    25. Life & Spirituality: Choosing Life vs. Death

    26. Mental Edge Q&A

    1. Introduction to Get In The Zone

    2. What To Expect

    3. The Ways & Levels of Manifesting

    4. Avatar & Character Development Techniques

    5. Architect Your Reality Techniques

    6. More Mind Techniques In This Course

    7. Introduction To Application

    8. The Minds You Have Within

    9. The Ways & Levels of Manifesting

    10. Introduction to Archetype Avatar Development

    11. Choose Your Archetype Avatar

    12. The Main Features of Your Archetype Avatar

    13. The Detailed Description of Your Archetype Avatar

    14. Introduction to Building Your Success Team

    15. Building Relationships & Roles

    16. Evaluating Your Current Success Team

    17. Imitation of Manifestation

    18. Standards Within Creating Realities

    19. Identifying Failed Realities

    20. Build Your Dream Reality

    21. The Levels of the Zone

    1. Introduction to The Zone Experience (Get In The Zone Blueprint)

    2. Organize Your Life

    3. Your Evening Routine

    4. Your Morning Routine

About this course

About the Instructor

Dr. Anthony Rhodman

Dr. Anthony Rhodman is a life psychologist who specializes in performance and behaviors, leadership and culture, economics and finance, success and business, family and management, and life and spirituality. Dr. Rhodman is the expert on the secrets to perfect and predictable success, and he applies these secrets in many different trades and industries to help people remove the misconceptions about their true capabilities. Dr. Rhodman reminds everyone what they already know — that all success in life is predicated by people’s inward programming and thoughts of themselves through their psychological make-up and their belief systems that determine how they answer the most important questions of life.